When I recently
posted a few photos and used actions, I received a number of comments that not all of you have used or understand actions. Well I just love them so much that I had to put together a post to encourage you to give them a try!
Once you've installed an action, they are hands-down one of the easiest techniques to use in Photoshop Elements. Actions are essentially a set of pre-programmed editing steps that you achieve through just one click. You run the action and it goes to work making multiple changes to your photo that result in one pretty awesome image.
There is a HUGE selection of actions online. You can find them free or paid and they perform a variety of techniques like enhancing color, converting to black and white or sepia, darkening the edges, sharpening the image, fixing skin tone, or even just resizing for the web.
So what are some of my most favorites? I have actions from three different websites and have come to love many of them. Two of the actions websites I love are free:
Coffee Tea Photography and
Pioneer Woman Actions. And the third action website offers paid actions:
Mindy Bush Actions. There are many other actions websites out there to try, too!
The image above is from our vacation and the only adjustment that I've made is a levels correction. Running actions on this image can result in lots of fun changes! My go-to actions that I love and use often include...
Pioneer Woman - Define and Sharpen
Pioneer Woman - Seventies
Pioneer Woman - Lovely and Ethereal
Coffeeshop - Little Perk (my go-to for improving all my images)
Coffeeshop - Vintage Honey
Coffeeshop - Rounded Corners (how I round all blog images)
Coffeeshop - Lomography
Mindy Bush - Chocolatte (not quite sepia, not quite black and white)
Mindy Bush - Creamy Black and White
I love seeing how actions can completely transform and improve a picture. And I know I've said it before, but they really are so fun and easy to use! Once you install an action, it will become one of the photo effects available for you in Photoshop Elements. I find it easiest to access installed actions through the effects palette.
If they are not displayed by default in your effects palette, start by clicking on the palette. Then select the third icon in the palette menu, which is a small blue box with a hover label of "photo effects." Then in the drop-down menu next to the small icons, click the option for "show all." All your installed actions should then be visible for you to play with!
Once you've chosen the action, you will double-click on the action. Some actions may have a pop-up window that asks you to confirm to continue. Photoshop will run the action and your image will be transformed. Most actions are set up in a way that you still have some editing control through the layers palette. So if you want to influence how the action changes your image, you can go to the layers palette, select the layer you want to alter, and adjust the opacity. If you want a more in-depth understanding of how this works, scroll down through
this post from the Pioneer Woman. If you're happy with the changes, your last step is to flatten the image. Of course save the image, and you're done!
You may have noticed that I skipped over how to install actions ;) This is because the steps depend on which version of Photoshop or Elements you have and vary based on which website you've downloaded the action from. But the good news is that once you visit an action website, they will typically provide you with quality step-by-step instructions on how to install. For quick reference, you can visit these links:
I definitely encourage you to try installing a few actions. The installation process may seem overwhelming or confusing at first, but the instructions help immensely and there are often FAQs to help you if you get lost. And the ease of editing your images makes it soo worth any trouble!
If you're not an action user, I'd love to hear if you decide to give them a try! And for all you action fans out there, what are your favorite websites for actions??