At the end of this week we will be welcoming in December and another beautiful holiday season. For many, it's a time of year filled with festivity and tradition. It's a great time of year to consider making a mini album, participating in a photo challenge, or doing something else special to document the month. If you're new to the concept or are just looking to shake things up a bit, here are some ideas for holiday classes this December.

For the ninth year in a row, Shimelle Laine is offering her popular Journal Your Christmas class. I'll be following along with JYC for the third year in a row and it's easily one of my favorite classes. Shimelle provides 37 daily PDFs filled to the brim with journaling ideas and inspiration layouts from class participants. And my favorite part of all? Once you purchase the class, you are invited to join year after year at no cost. Talk about an amazing value!

Also a great value, but with a little less structure, is the December Daily concept by Ali Edwards. At no cost to you, on her blog Ali provides ongoing inspiration throughout the month of December to scrapbook a page per day. There are no rules about size or content, so you can turn your December Daily album into whatever works best for you. I'm also taking inspiration from Ali this year by using her kit from Studio Calico and by including day-to-day happenings in our album.

If you want inspiration from lots of big names in the industry, Big Picture Classes is repeating their 12 Days of Christmas workshop. This 24 day-long class is taught by 12 BPC instructors, including Amy Tan, Stacy Julian, Kelly Purkey, Wendy Smedley and Elizabeth Dillow. For $24 you receive 12 daily emails from the 12 instructors for the 12 days leading up to Christmas with a photo prompt and instructions. Then in the 12 days after Christmas you receive instructions on how to turn those photos into beautiful layouts.

Studio Calico is also offering a class this year, entitled 25 Days. If you need more stucture to complete your December Daily, this $19 class will give you tips & tricks, finished page samples, and a bonus PDF from Ali Edwards with 25 prompts of stories to look for in December. This class has an exciting list of contributors, including Maggie Holmes, Amy Tan, Kinsey Wilson, and Marcy Penner.

Lastly, I love the idea of following a photo-centric course like Tracey Clark's Picture Winter e-course through Big Picture Classes. This is a self-paced instant download for $30 that gives you 30 daily inspirational emails. This class will help you focus on the wonders of winter, while also leaving you inspired to keep your camera in hand for the new year.
Do you have any specific plans for scrapbooking this holiday season?
hugs, sharyn